Fall 2019 Notice


Daily Schedule: 8:20 AM- Doors of Chester Academy open. Students are marked tardy at 8:35.  First Grade Lunch is 12:25-12:55. Dismissal for the day is at 3:00 PM.

Email Communication: Kindly share all of your preferred email addresses, as this is the best way to communicate with teachers.

Orange Folder: Please review this folder on a daily basis. Put any notes to teachers such as: forms, dismissal plan changes, or lunch money etc. in the front clear pocket. Teachers check folders first thing each morning. 

Decodable Readers: Each week, students will take home paper copies of decodable readers that have been read in class. Please have your child practice reading them each day. Also, keep all decodable readers in a handy basket to keep throughout the year for frequent review. Frequent reading of these “skills specific” books will increase your child’s reading fluency.  

Google Grade Level website: This is where teachers post information about our grade level.  To access the grade level page, go to www.chesteracademy.org. Scroll down and click on “faculty pages.”  (These pages are in the process of being updated.)

Student Schedules/Dismissal: Please send an email explaining how your child will be getting home from school, including the bus numbers if that applies or if your child is a “commuter” (car pick-up). If your child is going home a special way on the first day(s), please indicate that in a note. If during a particular day, there is a change with dismissal, you may call the main office 887-3621 and they will let me know. If there is a permanent change later in the year, please email both Mrs. Howard and me. If a student is confused with dismissal arrangements, it can be very stressful at the end of the day during the very busy dismissal time. Your child will not be able to ride a different bus, other than his/her own, to a friend’s house without a note. Thanks for helping me keep your child safe and secure with dismissal plans.


Lunch: Students need to bring a lunch from home or buy a hot lunch every day. If your child is buying lunch please put money into their lunch account or send cash or check for the account in advance in an envelope with your child’s name on it so it won’t get lost. Money can remain in your child’s account and may be used as needed. Ice cream purchases must be made with cash.  

Box Tops: Please save and send in “Box Tops for Education”

Birthday Invitations: They may be distributed in the classroom only if an invitation is going to every boy and/or girl or to the whole class.

Shoe laces/zipping etc.: If your child can’t tie his/her shoes, please practice with them over the holiday weekend. Also, please have your child practice zipping jackets, putting on snow pants, and boots.

Personal Belongings: Please label all of your child’s belongings. (i.e. clothing, pencil box, lunch box, backpack, especially outdoor clothing etc.)

Snack: Your child needs to bring two healthy peanut/tree nut free snacks to school every day. Because of food allergies, children will not be allowed to share snacks. These are snacks that will be eaten in the classroom. Please send in silverware if their snack requires it. 

Water bottle: Students need to bring a water bottle each day, throughout the year. Please label it with your child’s name or initials. 

Integrated Arts: Music, Art, PE, Library and STEM. An IA calendar will be sent home  so you will know your child’s schedule. Sneakers are required for PE. 

Chain of Command:  Classroom teacher or Integrated Arts teacher, Principal, Superintendent, School Board.  

Field Trip Permission Slips:  Field trip permission slips and fees must be turned into the classroom teacher three days (3) before a field trip.  Field trip fee and permission slips need to be in an envelope with your child’s name on it.

Teachers’ email Addresses:  Teacher’s last name first [email protected].  No spaces, all lowercase. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

PTA:  Please join PTA and also check out the link for PTA on our school website. www.chesteracdemy.org/pta.

Attendance: Please try to have your child here on time, as we begin our day promptly at 8:35.

Winter Recess: Plan for outdoor recess every day. Students need to bring in hat, mittens, snow pants, warm jacket and boots. We are informed by the main office if we needed to stay in due to a dangerous wind chill.  

Nurse/illness: Students must be fever-free for 24 hours. Please write a note about the illness.