Home School Student Participation

Information for Home Educated and Non-Public School Students Who Wish To Attend

General public events such as an athletic game, school play or musical are open to the public and may be attended by anyone.

There are also events, field trips, and extra-curricular activities both during the day and after school that non-Chester Academy children may wish to attend. Children who reside in Chester and are age appropriate for events, field trips, in Chester may do so provided they follow the directions in Chester School District Policy IHBG and use the Chester School District Form IHBG-F. A copy of the policy and form are provided for you on in this section and also are available on the Chester SAU page on the website under School District Policies.

As with all school events, school rules apply. A copy of the student handbook has also been made available in this section for your convenience.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the principal, Sarah Muncey at 603-887-3621, ext. 141.

Chester School District Policy IHBG Form

School Board Policy IHBG